Sustainable Island Initiative (SII) Annual Work Planning Meeting

14th January 2021

Venue: ZOOM, 14th January 2021

Participants: Embassy of Denmark Jakarta, Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA), Danish Energy Agency (DEA), BAPPEDA NTB, Dinas LHK NTB, Dinas ESDM NTB, BARENLITBANG KEPRI,Dinas ESDM KEPRI, Dinas LH KEPRI, PLN KEPRI, PLN Batam, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Team for Development Acceleration NTB


Time Agenda Speaker
14.00-14.15 Opening Remarks


Representatives from local authorities at Lombok and Batam/Kepri


Mr. Morten Holm van Donk, Environment Counsellor, Embassy of Denmark

14.15-15.30 Presentation and discussion of the 2021 SII Work Programme in Lombok and Riau Islands Province for renewable energy solutions and waste management.


The discussion will focus on how and when to implement the activities planned for 2021.

Mr. Jan Møller Hansen (DEPA)

& Mr. Kristian Havskov Sørensen/ Mr. Toke Rueskov Madsen



15.30-15.45 Wrap-up on the discussions



Mr. Jan Møller Hansen (DEPA)

& Mr. Kristian Havskov Sørensen/ Mr. Toke Rueskov Madsen


15:45-16:00 Closing Remarks Representatives from Lombok and Batam/Kepri


Mr. Anders Kruse, Country Coordinator (DEA)



The SII work plan for 2021 was presented, and activities were discussed with local authorities from Lombok and Batam/Riau. The following were key comments/decisions made on the individual activities.




Output A.1

A.1.1. Launching Workshop Feb. 2020


A.1.2. Sustainability workshops

Workshop at Lombok completed in Oct. 2020

Workshop for Batam/Kepri scheduled for Feb. 2021.

  • Please forward a contact person, which can assist in the arranging the workshop, for instance setting the date and circulate invitations to the right authorities etc.


A.1.3. Webinars Danish local island authorities

There is a strong interest for organizing webinars with participation of authorities from the islands in Indonesia and Denmark. The Indonesian partners were interested in learning more about the following topics:

  • Danish policies on renewable energy and waste resource management.
  • Experiences with how to manage energy and waste services during the COVID situation.
  • Experiences with capitalizing on synergies between green transition/development and tourism.
  • Experiences with practical WtE solutions.
  • Experiences with WtE and waste technologies, in particular technologies that might be feasible for Indonesia, i.e. RDF and for composting. (Biomass power plants was mentioned as a technology).
  • Waste management in remote areas and in an island context (Gilli islands were mentioned as a case)
  • How to increase sorting and collection of waste from households?
  • How to deal with waste from the agricultural sector?
  • How is the logistics behind utilizing biomass from agriculture organized?
  • How to involve local communities and citizens in waste management?


DEPA and DEA will reach out to Danish local authorities at Bornholm, Samsø and others and explore options for such webinars. The webinars should focus on island visions from green transition, sustainable energy and resource development and with focus on needs and circumstances of the islands of Lombok and Batam/Riau. DEPA and DEA will prepare a draft proposal for such webinars.

The local authorities should identify a contract person for setting-up the webinars with the Embassy of Denmark, DEPA and DEA.

A.1.4. Visit to Denmark

The activity will be undertaken when the COVID19 is more under control, and the situation in Denmark and Indonesia allows. The situation is continuously being assessed based on recommendations from government and national health authorities. Postponed until late 2021. ¨


A1.5. Waste Pre-feasibility Study at Lombok.

DEPA has been made a contract with an international consultant to undertake the study. Mobilisation of the consultancy has started, and start-up meetings and inception workshop shall be arranged in late January/early February with authorities from Lombok. The study shall to the extent possible make use of the work done for the Technology Catalogue and other studies.

A.1.6. Assessment of potentials for SWM, WtE and biomass projects.

Work on biomass has been initiated.  SWM and WtE is pending further work on the technology catalogue and waste study at Lombok.

PLN asked about prices of electricity and the role of public and private actors in energy production. DEA will provide info to PLN.

Output A.2

A.2.1 Technology Catalogue

Activity is on-going. Inception workshop has been held, and the next step is a midway workshop. The TC is expected completed by end-of-March 2021. The report will include both qualitative and quantitative information and with a feasibility assessment of efficiency, costs etc. The catalogue will outline technologies with greatest potential for Lombok and Batam/Riau islands.

A.2.2 Assessment of energy production and potential mitigation of fossil fuel

Activity is pending A.2.1. and A.1.5.

Question from participants: What Technologies are best in DK and which would be best in Indonesia?

A.2.3 Grid development and integration

Activity in progress on Lombok, and pending at Batam/Riau. The analysis will focus on barriers and potentials for integrating WtE into the grid. Partly pending on results from A.2.1.

Output B.1

B.1.1. Analysis of barriers for integration of SWM and RE

This analysis shall focus on political, regulatory, organizational and administrative framework conditions and include recommendations. It was agreed to wait until late 2021 for this activity.

B.1.2 Strategic recommendations

See above.

Output C.1

C.1-4 Webinars on waste management

DEPA will prepare a proposal for webinars on key topics for general and organic waste management with the involvement of a Danish waste utility (waste planning, operations, organisation, collection and use of data, financing, energy recovery, innovation etc.). The webinars will share best practices and focus on waste as a resource and for energy recovery.

Output D.1

D.1-2: Explore funding opportunities and support business case development

The local authorities expressed a strong interest in the activity for support to preparing concept notes, business cases and project proposals that can be pitched to central ministries, international donor or private investors.

It was mentioned by the local authorities that they lack finance and resources to undertake projects and improve services. Mobilising funding is key, not only for capital investments (CAPEX), but also for operation and maintenance (OPEX). There was also an interest in learning more about how the private sector can be involved in WtE and SWM. It was stressed that both public and private actors can benefit from this activity.

The activity has been planned for Q3 2021/Q1 2022, and there was a desire to move it forward to i.e. Q3-Q4 2021. The Environment SSC is developing a guideline on project preparation, which can also support this activity.


The concluding remarks by Bappeda NTB and DEA highlighted the satisfactory progress in 2020 despite the challenging situation with COVID. Bappeda also encouraged partners to contact DEPA and DEA whenever needed for sparring on planning and implementation of activities. Support and commitment was expressed to all the outlined activities for 2021.


General remarks

These are some of the questions stated from the participants during the workshop.

  • How is the policy to push RE? And how to promote such strategies during a pandemic?
  • What policies and were they made in Denmark – waste to energy?
  • How do you ensure community engagement?