Pemerintah New Zealand, melalui New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships, mendukung pembangunan masyarakat yang berpendidikan baik dan berkemampuan tinggi yang dapat berkontribusi pada dampak pembangunan yang lebih baik dan mendukung terbentuknya pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia.

Pemerintah New Zealand menawarkan sejumlah beasiswa untuk pemuda-pemudi Indonesia untuk belajar di perguruan tinggi yang ada di New Zealand. Prioritas diberikan kepada pelamar yang hendak belajar Pembangunan pertanian, Energy terbaharukan, Manajemen resiko Bencana, Manajemen sektor Publik dan Pengembangan sektor swasta. Semua ini adalah area keahlian dari New Zealand.

Prioritas juga diberikan untuk pelamar dari Papua, Papua Barat, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. “Saya mendorong warga muda Indonesia untuk mendaftar New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships. Beasiswa ini menumbuhkan dan membangun pemimpin-pemimpin di masa datang, sekaligus memberikan anda pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat berguna bagi pengembangan negara Anda” kata Duta Besar New Zealand, Dr Trevor Matheson.

‘Belajar di New Zealand akan memberikan sebuah pengalaman keuntungan dari fasilitas pendidikan kelas dunia dan gaya hidup Kiwi yang unik’ sambung Dr Matheson.

Pendaftaran untuk belajar di tahun 2019 dibuka pada tanggal 1 Februari 2018 dan ditutup pada 14 Maret 2018.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa, termasuk persyaratan dan cara mendaftar dapat ditemukan di situs: Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai belajar di New Zealand dapat dilihat di:

==> English :

The New Zealand Government, through the New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships, supports to build a cadre of well-educated and highly capable people who can contribute to better development outcomes and helps generate sustainable growth in Indonesia.

The New Zealand Government offers up to 60 postgraduate scholarships to young Indonesians to study at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand. Priority is given to applicants studying Agriculture development, Renewable energy, Disaster risk management, Public sector management, and Private sector development. These are areas where New Zealand has proven expertise.

‘I encourage young Indonesians to apply for New Zealand ASEAN scholarships. The scholarships foster and build future leaders, as well as equipping you with skills and knowledge to benefit your home country’ said New Zealand Ambassador, Dr Trevor Matheson.

‘Studying in New Zealand will give scholars the experience of world-class education and the unique Kiwi life style’ continued Dr Matheson. Applications for study in 2019 will open on 1 February 2018 and close on 14 March 2018.

More information about scholarships, including eligibility and how to apply can be found on the MFAT website: For more info about studying in New Zealand see:

 New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) Recipient

Suryani Eka Wijaya

Massey University New Zealand


Ms. Wijaya works for the Development Planning, Research, and Regional Improvement (BAPPEDA) of NTB Province. She received the New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) in 2011 to undertake doctoral programme in urban and regional planning at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. She investigated the relationships and distribution of power among multi-level actors involved in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) investment decisions in Bandung and Surabaya, Indonesia. She found that BRT projects were advanced by the central government as a low-cost green solution for reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emission. However, the nationally imposed BRT policy was strongly opposed by social and political actors in both cities. BRT in Bandung was limited to two peri-urban corridors that did not meet local needs. Surabaya agreed to a BRT project, but then abandoned it in the face of local political and social pressure. Ms. Wijaya found that top-down selection of BRT over indigenous modes of mobility created socio-political, financial, and discursive tensions. Her research showed that local power and stakeholders can distort national and international policy-initiatives, so they are of limited use to the local communities they are intended to help.